

春の献立 Denner menu for Spring

ご夕食が春の献立に変わりました 山の春の味をご堪能ください
Dinner menu changed to spring one. Enjoy the taste of spring.


食前酒  桜酒
Aperitif:  Sakura-shu

前 菜  石蕗田舎煮 芋豆腐  菜の花山葵和え 鱒醤和え
竹の子 唐草烏賊 木の芽味噌  袱紗焼き 鯛桜寿司 桃花串
Appetizer: Tsuwabuki(Japanese silver leaf) Inakani, potato tofu, rape-flower salad with wasabi
Masu-trout with soy sauce, bamboo shoot and squid with leaf bud of Japanese pepper
Fukusa-yaki, sea-bream Sakura sushi, peach flower Dango

椀 物  うすい真丈 蕨 花弁百合根 木の芽
Soup:  fish cake soup with mountain vegetables

造 里  鰆 湯葉 馬刺
Sashimi:  Sawara(Spanish mackerel), Yuba(tofu skin),
BASASHI(horse meat sashimi) with tasty sauce

焼 物  山女魚塩焼き
Grilled dish:  grilled yamame-trout with salt

蒸 物  蕗の薹絞り 芥子味噌 銀餡
Steamed dish:  Fukinoto(butterbur sprout) dumpling

台の物  春野菜と白魚鍋 桜麩
Hot pot:  spring vegetables and Shirauo(icefish) hot pot

替  鉢  阿蘇あか牛ステーキ
Kawaribachi:  Aso Aka-ushi(Aso local beef) steak
Only for the guests by direct reservation, Sanga’s website reservation or rooms with private bath.

酢 物  山芋寄せと水雲酢
Vinegared dish:  Japanese yam potato jerry

食事・留椀  小国米白御飯 滑子味噌汁
Rice and Nameko-mushroom miso soup

デザート  苺プリン 蕨餅 デコポン
Desert:  Strawberry pudding, Warabi mocha, Dekopon ora