

春のお献立 Dinner for Spring

ご夕食が3月1日より春の献立に変わります 山の春の味をご堪能ください
Dinner will change to the spring menu. Enjoy the taste of spring.


食前酒/ 梅酒
Aperitif:  Japanese plum sake

旬菜/ 千草和え 若採り胡瓜 桜花羹
湯葉豆腐 土筆 稚鮎踊り揚げ
ちらし寿司 桜佃煮
鯉松前 うるい 蛍烏賊
Seasonal appetizer: Chigusa-ae salad, young cucumber, Sakura jerry,
Yuba-tofu and Tsukushi, deep-fried young Ayu-trout,
Chirashi-sushi, Sakura Tsukudani,
Koi(carp) Matsumae sushi, Urui, Hotaru squid

造里/ 馬刺(直予約もしくは風呂付客室のみ)
雅鯛 鱒 烏賊 蒟蒻
Sashimi:  young sea-bream, Masu-trout, squid, Konjak
BASASHI(horse meat sashimi) *only for guests from direct reservation or staying in the room with private bath

椀物/ 若草蕨 穂筍 白髪葱 花弁人参 あられ
Soup:  spring mountain vegetables

焼物/ 山女魚塩焼き 檸檬
Grilled dish:  grilled yamame-trout with salt

蓋物/ 桜蒸し
赤魚 筍 道明寺麩  菜の花 山葵
Steamed dish:  fish and bamboo shoot Sakura-mushi

台の物/ 春野菜と大阿蘇鶏摘入鍋 薬膳仕立て
Hot pot:  spring vegetables and O-Aso chicken dumpling

揚物/ 白魚 桜海老 たらの芽 桜葉
(替鉢/ 阿蘇あか牛ステーキ 香味野菜 麦焼おこげ)
Deep-fried dish: Shirauo(ice fish), Sakura-shrimp and Taranome(sprout of Tara tree)
*It is changed to Kawaribachi for guests from direct reservation or staying in the room with private bath
(Kawaribachi: Local beef, Aso Aka-ushi steak)

食事/ 小国米白御飯 香の物
Rice and pickles

留椀/ 袱紗味噌仕立て
Miso soup

水菓子/ 峰岡豆腐 黒蜜  苺 オレンジ 黒豆
Desert:  Mineoka-tofu(milk jerry) and Kuromitsu sauce