

冬の献立  Winter Kaiseki Dinner menu 2024-25


食前酒  柚子酒
Aperitif: Yuzu-citrus sake

旬 菜  黒豆豆腐 菊菜お浸し 馬燻製 豌豆
蕪柚香寿し 赤蒟蒻 海老芋蕎麦揚げ 厚焼き玉子
Seasonal appetizer: black beans tofu, Kikuna salad, smoked horse meat, Endo-pea
Kabura(turnip) sushi and red konjac
deep-fried Ebi-imo(Japanese taro) with soba, egg cake

造 里  雅鯛 烏賊 妻一式 ※公式ウェブサイト予約、またはお風呂付き客室のお客様には「馬刺 香味油」が付きます
Sashimi: Miyabidai(local seabream), squid with soy sauce *Basashi(raw horse meat) is added to the guests who made a reservaiton by our website, by direct reservation, or who reserved rooms with private bath.

温 菜  地鶏摘入 舞茸 人参 三ツ葉 薄氷大根 柚子
Soup: chicken ball, Maitake-mushroom, carrot, Daikon-radish likeness to ice, Yuzu-citrus

焼 物  山女魚塩焼き 檸檬
Grilled dish: grilled Yamame-trout with salt, lemon

煮 物  鰊蕎麦 山葵 葱
Boiled dish: Nishin(herring)and soba tofu

替 鉢  朴葉焼き
鱓 海老 焼目蕪 椎茸 湿地 芋
Kawaribachi: Hooba yaki(Grilling food with Miso in a Hoba leaf)
Utsubo(Moray eel), prawn, turnip, Shiitake-mushroom, Shimeji-mushroom, Japanese taro potato

台の物  阿蘇美豚しゃぶしゃぶ ※公式ウェブサイト予約、またはお風呂付き客室のお客様は「味彩牛しゃぶしゃぶ」をお出しします
Dainomono: Asobi-ton(local pork) Shabushabu *It changes to “Ajisai-gyu(local beef) Shabu-shabu” for the guests who made a reservaiton by our website.

小国米あきげしき 自家製漬物
Local rice “Akigeshiki” and homemade pickles

水菓子  蜜柑冠茶寄せ
Desert: mandarin orange mousse with green tea sauce

*Please let us know if you have food allergies or anything you can’t eat.