




睦 月 お 献 立
Dinner menu in January

食前酒  柚子酒
Aperitif:  Yuzu shu(Japanese Yuzu citrus sake)

前 菜  赤カブ・生ハム重ね盛り 小松菜と揚げの油炒め 百合根羹 姫人参
マイクロトマト 菜の花黄身こうせん 黒豆 茶巾寿司
Appetizer:  red turnip and prosciutto salad, flied Komatsuna(Japanese mustard spinach) and deep-flied tofu, lily bulb jerry, carrot, Romanesco broccoli cheese and flying fish roe, micro tomato, Nanohana flower and egg yolk, Kuromame (simmered black beans), Chakin sushi

吸 物  かぶら 連子鯛 しめじ 梅麩 柚子
Soup:  turnip, sea-bream, shimeji mushroom, Umefu, Yuzu citrus

造 り  馬刺 他あしらえ
Sashimi:  “Basashi”(raw horse meat)
*please eat with ginger and onion dipping in soy sauce.

焼 物  山女魚塩焼き
Grilled dish:  grilled yamame-trout with salt

蓋 物  あそび豚と筍芋 柚子味噌掛け
Steamed dish:  Asobi pork and bamboo shoot with Yuzu-miso

鍋 物  大阿蘇鶏 豆乳鍋
Hot pot:  Oaso chicken and local vegetables in soy-milk soup

洋 皿  阿蘇あか牛のステーキ
Main dish:  Aso red beef steak
Only for the guests who makes a reservation by our website or staying in the room with private bath.(seasonal Tempura will be prepared for the other guests)

御 飯  小国米白御飯

香の物  まっちゃん漬け
Pickled dish:  Japanese radish pickles, “Macchan-zuke”

デザート 本日のミニケーキ デコポン ベリー ミント
Desert:  today’s mini cake and fruits