

5・6月のお献立 Dinner menu for May & June


食前酒 / 杏酒
Aperitif:  Anzu-shu(apricot sake)

先 附 / 皐月豆腐
Small appetizer:  Satsuki tofu(broad bean tofu)

前 菜 / とろとろ湯葉 梅ジュレ 楓
稚鮎南蛮漬け 鱒茗荷寿し 香煎焼き セロリ山葵海苔
花丸胡瓜 もろみ添え
Appetizer:  Torotoro Yuba(tofu skin) with Japanese plum gelee
young sweetfish Nanbanzuke, trout and Myoga sushi, Kosen yaki, celery with Wasabi and Nori
cucumbers with Moromi miso

造 り / 熊本名産馬刺 たてがみ 他あしらえ
刺身蒟蒻 酢味噌 枸杞の実
Sashimi:  “Basashi” (raw horse meat)  *please eat with ginger and onion dipping in soy sauce.
Sashimi konjak, vinegared miso, goji berry

椀 物 / 蓮根真丈の吸物
Bowl:  lotus root dumpling soup

焼 物 / 山女魚塩焼き
Grilled dish:  grilled yamame-trout with salt

替 鉢 / 阿蘇あか牛のステーキ
Main dish:  Aso red beef steak
This is only for the guests in the room with a private bath or the guests who made a reservation by our web site or e-mail.

冷 鉢 / 山菜 モロヘイヤ饂飩
Cold dish: mountain vegetable and mulukhiya Udon noodle

揚 物  / 本日の山菜天婦羅
Deep flied dish:  seasonal vegetable Tempura

御飯・留椀 / 小国米白御飯 つわ蕗と南関揚げの味噌汁
Rice and miso soup

香の物 / 季節の三種
Pickled dish:  seasonal pickles

デザート / 小国ジャージー牛乳プリン 西瓜
Desert:  Oguni Jersey milk pudding, water melon