

冬の献立 Dinner menu in Winter

【冬の献立 Dinner menu in Winter】

食前酒/ 柚子酒
Aperitif: Yuzu sake

旬 菜/ 菊菜干柿利休和え 雪花菜和え 子持昆布 生麩田楽
麦フライ 馬燻製 蕪寿し 甘藷豆腐 蜜柑水晶
Seasonal appetizer: chrysanthemum and dries persimmon salad, red Konjak and whelk salad,
kelp with herring roe, Namafu with miso, deep-fried barly ball, smoked horse
turnip sushi, sweet potato cake

造 里/ 熊本名産馬刺 香味油(直予約・公式HP予約またはお風呂付客室のお客様限定)
鱒 刺身蒟蒻 間八 車海老
Sashimi: Basashi(horse meat) with flavor oil, ginger(direct reservation, official website reservation, or guests in the room with private bath only)
Masu-trout, Konjak, amberjack with soy sauce, Wasabi

椀 物/ 二見真丈 雪輪大根 霙仕立て
Soup: fish cake and snow shaped Daikon radish soup

焼 物/ 山女魚塩焼き 檸檬
Grilled dish: grilled yamame-trout with salt, lemon

蓋 物/ 玉締め 鮟肝
Boiled dish: Tamajime(Chawan-musi: non-sweet egg custard) with Ankimo(Monkfish liver) tofu

替 鉢/ 肥後牛蕎麦香煎焼き(直予約・公式HP予約またはお風呂付客室のお客様限定、その他のお客様は鱒 友禅焼きとなります)
Kawaribachi: Higo beef(local red beef) Kosen-yaki(direct reservation, official website reservation, or guests in the room with private bath only. Another guests; Masu-trout Yuzen-yaki)

鍋/ 鴨鍋 季節の野菜 小国舞茸・椎茸 饂飩 柚子胡椒 小口葱
Kamo(duck) Nabe : duck, duck and chicken meatball, seasonal local vegetable,

食事・留椀/ 小国米白御飯 自家製漬物
Rice, Japanese pickles

水菓子/ 焙じ茶ゼリー
Desert: Hoji tea jerry